This is the way all car buying should be done in America; helpful but not pushy sales people, knowledgeable about their inventory and with excellant, low mileage vehicles to choose from and no haggle prices. \r
This dealership goes a long way toward restoring my confidence in buying used cars through a dealership. They utilize the latest, most professional industry tools available to confirm the vehicles' mechanical history, and prep for the car before offering it to the public. \r
When a problem with the manufactor installed CD developed a month after I acquired the car and everyone from the manufactor to local car stereo shops could only suggest replacing the new -to -me CD player, my sales person, Tonette Walker, set up an appointment with their in-house mechanic to have a try at fixing the problem inexpensively (successfully, I might add). Most dealerships would not have offered. She may be the best used car sales person in the city!\r
I can definitely recommend this dealership for your consideration and plan on using them in the future should I need another used vehicle. My thanks and congrats to them for a great car buying experience!
Pros: Helpful but not pushy sales people with good inventory
Cons: None that I have encountered