When I called I asked her a perfectly valid question about a problem I was facing. I would rather not discuss the details of my problem, it is very personal. I'll just say I was stuck betweeen a proverbial rock and a hard place. Anyway, after I asked the quesion there was a pause, in which I thought she was collecting wisdom from the spirits or whatever they do. When actaully she was trying not to laugh at me. I reworded the question a few times and after the third time she began to rail on me and shout harsh invectives at me. A few of the kinder words thrown my way were ""stupid"" and ""immature."" She then proceeded to hang up on me. I will never again seek assistence from a posing dolt like her ever again. STAY AWAY FROM HER IF YOU HAVE ANY DIGNITY!
Pros: answered the phone
Cons: terse and incredibly degrading