We had an eviction on one of our rental properties here in Orlando and the power was shut off several weeks ago in this 100 degree weather with no A/C. The refrigerator and freezer were stock piled with food and meats which all melted and leaked on the floor in the kitchen and soak into the living room rug. There was also a dead animal left behind in upstairs bathroom. The smell was the worst thing I every smelled in my life. Orlando carpet cleaning services sent out a homicide clean up team to perform this cleaning strangely enough due to extent of the odor. It took care of the problem sanitized the entire house and fogged an extreme duty deodorizer and used an ozone generator. This was a huge job, but it was better than having the house condemned. No one could tell at this point their was ever a problem in the home. It rented in under a week.
Pros: Can service any situarion any time