To: Whom it may concern, I am the chief care taker for a private mansion here in Windermere Florida. We Hired Orlando Carpet cleaning services to perform carpet cleaning services for approximately 12,000 square feet of high quality wool carpet. We had 15 workers present for the cleaning all of which wore matching uniforms, with picture Id tags on their shirts as requested. A supervisor was present during the entire process. We were also provided with a copy of the MSDS sheets for the products used and a copy of the insurance and bonding certificates. We have very stringent requirements for contractors entering our property, and have restricted areas where no one is allowed. The teams were upmost professional and abided by our specific requirements. All contractors are required to supply a copy of all the background check reports for everyone present on the job. It took 7 different carpet cleaning companies to find this one that had the ability to handle the scope of the job and be able to provide the required documentation that we required. The reason I decided to leave this recommendation was because of that reason alone. It was disturbing that the other companies were disqualified for those reasons. Some of the companies that were disqualified were national companies and that was alarming. I understand that our requirements are stringent but security is of the upmost importance to our owner. We will continue to use Orlando Carpet cleaning services in the future for all of our cleaning requirements. I will post this valuable information on several message boards. Sincerely, Joseph Taylor
Pros: Certified,Licenced,insured,bonded,and guaranteed