I never write a review but my experience with this company was so bad, I will copy and paste the review as many places as I can find. Buyer don't ever buy from this company! I answered an advertised add in craigslist for $150.00 for a microwave. Called many times to confirm that they had the item, the condition and the dimensions. Then asked them to hold it while I drove up the 40 miles from denver to buy it. Not only did they not honor the price, they tried to lie to me and tell me that's not the price. Even with the printed copy of the add, this company would not honor the price. They tried to bait and switch me for a higher priced model. DO NOT TRUST THE ADDS THIS COMPANY PRODUCES!!! Not only do they not stand by their price, they will try to tell you that you are a liar and won't sell you the product that they advertised.
Cons: Worst Bait and switch ever!!!!