Not a good SPA! FYI_ I treated myself to a facial at Blue Spa the day before my birthday.\r
I decided to get the facial and microdermabrasion, the combined treatment was advertised on the spa menu.....\r
While I was laying on the facial table the astetician stated that she was going to give me the microdermabrasion first followed by the facial....It seemed a little wierd to me at the time, But I wasnt going to question a professional....I just wanted to relax and focus on my birthday plans.\r
Everything was fine until she began my facial....She applied baking soda and water to my face and was going to begin purging my blackheads when my face started to BURN....My eyes started to tear, and I let her know that my face was burning.\r
She got very irritated with me and in a loud voice said "WHY didnt you tell me"\r
Well? I was telling her...When my face started to burn I told her!\r
The rest of the facial was spent with cold towels on my face and a fan blowing cold air on