My son has been attending Discovery Point for a while now and two weeks ago I went to drop him and the teacher had 9 1 year olds in her room..the next day she had 11 when i dropped him off and they had the camp kids outside in the rain
The next week my son who i was advised by state law HAD to be in the beginners room was in the infant room...a couple of days i went to pick him up and he was with stranger (teachers i didnt know nor did my son EVER have any interaction with. Like most 1 year olds my son doesnt like strangers. I drive him all the way to Roswell simply because he enjoys his teachers and he is accustomed to the germs.I called and advised that this was unacceptable to do to babies and toddlers and that I would take the next week to look for centers. Today i get a letter from Melissa the Director stating i owe 2 weeks....I never told the Assistant Director that he was never coming back but that if this continued he would be moved. No were in the letter did i see an apology .....BAD SERVICE !!! If it wasnt for his teachers he would be GONE TODAY !!!!!!! I read what I sign and I am aware i need to give written notice she could have kept her letter !