I made appointment after I read all the positive internet reviews. I brought my family for regular check up since the clinic was close to my home. When I singed up for the check up, I didn't know this clinic was run by couple of hygienists. Because this was exactly what happened to my family. My wife made couple of hours ahead of me and my daughter to see the dentist. My wife never saw the dentist after all the probing and X ray exam because the dentist was too busy to see her. The hygienist told her just coming back in couple of month without further explanation.
I came to my appointment with my daughter. Again after they did all the probing and x ray for the exam sitting in exam chair for almost 2 hours, the hygienist told me coming back in two weeks to see the dentist to complete exam and further cleaning because the dentist was running late with other patients. This was our first visit and only person we were talking to was hygienists who were virtually acting dentist of this clinic. When I was about to leave without further appointment after I made complaint to the hygienist, all of sudden the dentist that I supposed to see was show up with chewing gum in mouth. The dentist wasn't aware of my case and have to brief with hygienist. Ive never seen any clinician in my life with this kind of not so good professionalism. But that's not all. The dentist was not talking so I have to ask about the X ray and other exam for details. Whenever I asked about my condition, the response from the dentist was almost robotic as if I was talking to ATM machine. It was very peculiar way of non sympathetic short answer. When I asked whether the condition I got was common for my age, the answer was ""I DON'T KNOW YOUR AGE. "" When I asked about insurance for the implant option, the answer was ""I DON'T KNOW YOUR INSURANCE."" Duh!
Again, the dentist did not tell me what they found on my daughter so I had to ask. It turned out my daughter had two cavities but not even the hygienist who took exam on her told me nothing until I force the dentist to see me. I felt neglected by these unconcerned manner by both hygienist and the dentist.
If you just rely on the Internet review, please beware all the positive reviews that may turn out just marketing hype or totally bogus review. I was very disappointed by my decision to choose dentist based on the all the reviews since there are literally hundreds dentists around the town.
Cons: dentist too busy to see the patent