The house is beautiful. That is about the only thing that is good about this place. \r
The owner is rude and very unprofessional. They talk a good game and sell you the reception of your dreams until the day of the event. That is when the true colors come out. She will ""nickel and dime"" you to death and even then they will still sell you short. She wouldn’t even put water in our toast glasses and I had to leave the toasting to fill up our glasses with champagne. I was very humiliated to say the least. \r
Did I mention the cake? It was good, according to the few guests that actually got a piece. My wife and I wouldn’t know because we never got a piece. \r
Did I mention the DJ? The DJ plays on his phone the whole time, and is just as rude as the owner. We would have been better off bringing our IPods and letting them play on shuffle mode. \r
Did I mention the food? Well the food was ok. My wife and I were about 45 minutes late to the reception due to photos. Since we were a little late, she denied our $400 security deposit. Her reasoning was that the food had gotten cold. I don't think that should be a concern of hers since I paid an outrageous amount for the food anyway.\r
If you don't utilize her business for all phases of your wedding (wedding, reception, photography, flowers, planner, etc.), then you can pretty much kiss your deposit goodbye. \r
There were several other negative that came about at the reception that I didn’t even know about until after the reception. I know at least 50 of the 75 guests that attended had some sort of negative comment and/or experience with the owners/staff. \r
I deeply regret the sole fact that I did not research the reviews prior to contracting the Wilhite House. Every negative review on this business was right on target with our experience. \r
I am terribly sorry to my friends and family that attended our reception at the Wilhite House. It was truly embarrassing for my wife and I as to how the owner of this business acted on the most important day of our lives. \r
Cons: rude to the guests, family, and the bride and groom