I was looking on Craigslist for a used VW. I was first of all, totally impressed by the classy look of the CL postings - so many posts are just not all that professional. The Armstrong VW posts were way different - they had bylines that were hard to believe about non-closers, dealing with one person, no-pressure etc. Going to a dealership has always been a nightmare for me and very intimidating. Right off the bat I had the feeling that they wanted to match me with the right car - the car for me, that I needed, that would work for me - it was NOT about how much money they could make. I only dealt with one person - John was his name - 30 years in the business. He was personable, kind, empathetic - OMG - NOT what you would expect of a ""used car"" salesperson. I left Armstrong feeling so awesome about my Jetta purchase and saved a ton of money. I recommend them to EVERYONE!! I just wish I knew more people!! Worth the trip SE to Gladstone!!
Pros: absolutely NOT intimidating
Cons: possibly location?? but worth the drive SE!!