I left my dog there for a week while I sent my soldier off. Did not like what I came home too! I picked him up on a Monday to find huge bumps on his head and the person working there had no clue what she was doing but said call this evening and talk to the owner. I called but after they close no one answers the phone. I took him to the vet on my way home and they had to pull his scabs off because oxygen was not getting to the spot. They gave me a flush and a cream ($60 later) I called just about every day trying to get the owner and got told call back in the evening! They finally called me back today and it turned into ""How do I know your dog wasn't injured when you brought him here? You signed something saying you are responsible for his behavior and this is behavior related!"" and just being immature! This was the owner! She went on to claim he barked none stop Yet when we got there he wasn't making a sound at all! The girl who went to get him didn't realize there was a dog at the end at all!
So moral My dog was injured I didn't get a phone call at all and they did not write down What happened and when! They knew if they would have called me I would have either made them take him to a vet or had him picked up that day and they would not have got their money!
Pros: nothing
Cons: Rude, dirty, immature people!