I am absolutely impressed! \r
I completed my registration/medical profile online, scheduled a visit/appointment… the nurse came and visit with me, gave me the medication I needed and all was done within 45-minutes!!! \r
The service provided was ‘top of the line’. The nurse was very nice, understanding and willing to explain what I needed to do to feel better… He even gave me feedback about some of the over-the-counter medication I was taking for my allergies. \r
Also, he gave me a ‘goody bad’ to take home with soup, cracker, jello, soda, etc. The best part of all, is that the visit was done here at work… I did not travel to my doctor’s office… I am flabbergasted… I love it! \r
This is an outstanding service… \r
Pros: Outstanding medical care.
Cons: I could not finda drawback.