NO Hes right you guys suck i used to work for you guys until you sent me to the marshall creeks sunoco with the false promise of having a company vehicle to travel there when my high school graduataion came up i told jay bell and the supervisor at sunoco the truth and jay bell decided to try to lie to them saying i called out sick well guess wht the next day he called me SCREAMING AND CURSING AT ME on the phone saying i was f***** done i was a F****** dumbass and to turn in my uniform what you guys are unaware of MR. Ruane and Jay bell have pending charges from the State police due to the conversation with jay bell i recorded and a pending charges from the PA labor board and a Class action lawsuit in the process. have fun conning more 17 year olds into working for you guys. tht was my age when they hired me. lol you know century is a pathetic excuse for a security company you are better off hiring guards from like securitas or vector at least there they treat their gaurds as if they are actual human beings and not slaves.