When you get a call from them stating your eyeglasses are ready, don't be surprise if they hand them to you broken. By that, I mean no inspection whatsoever. 60% of the paint from the bottom of the frame was MISSING. ETA was way off for replacement frames. Prescriptions are incorrect. Beside the obvious mistakes, customer service is horrible! Nobody apologized, was interrupted to be put on hold, had no idea what I was talking about and then expected me to know the name of the person who reordered as if that was my duty yet the girl never even gave me her own name. Don't they keep record of anything? Doctor told me I was ""lucky"" to get a refund. LUCKY to get my money back for BROKEN glasses and incorrect prescriptions for contacts and glasses. This place does not care about you as a customer and it is very obvious in the way they handle mistakes. Kept blaming VSP for broken frames. Although I told them that I understood that, I just didn't like the fact that I was told I could drive over there to pick them up to find out they were never taken out of the box and looked at. How is this not mandatory? Supposedly the glasses go through multiple inspections. However, nobody was shocked that mine were not inspected. Again, no apology. Does not take responsibility for their actions, no remorse. If you want to be treated like a human being who spent more than a couple hundred dollars then go anywhere else. Luckily I could get a refund. My many thanks doc.
Pros: Insurance coverage
Cons: Lack of respect and knowledge