Been to this pet store twice. Once because i needed something on a holiday and nobody was open but them but even their crickets were bad. When you enter this store you feel sorry for the animals. They are overcrowded, not taken care of and look at you as if to say ""please save me"". The store on last visit was dirty, musty, smelled of dirty animals. I went in yesterday because i was looking for something special and there are 2 15 year old kids working the store and no adults. which means you get no service. I got put on hold for a woman buying 3 mice when i had asked soemone for help almost 10 minutes prior. I just sat there while the 2 kids did nothing but F*** around and then looked at me blankly. I was like ""still waiting for help"" and he was like ""what did you need? I dont remember""? my reponse was ""are you kidding? i am standing here waiting and you dont even remember what i need?"" so blow off a 60.00 gecko sale for a 3.00 mouse sale is exactly what they did. THey are nasty and should have an adult working there or the pets are doomed for sure. I feel the need to get the ASPCA involved in this store as these animals deserve better than this. Do yourself a favor.. RUN AWAY... DONT EVEN WASTE YOUR TIME. staffing a store with idiotic pot smoking kids with no adult present to help you is the least of my concern with this place.