Digis is a company that hides what you're getting into until you experience it. They simply suck. The internet they provide is cheap but you will find out why later on. If you ever watch any movies or music over the internet, this company definitely isn't for you. They set low monthly limits of downloads so at the end (or even to the middle) of the month, your internet goes ridiculously slow. I had to end up upgrading to the 12 mpbs plan which offered a higher download limit. It not only couldn't reach its promising speed of the plan, but slowed down drastically. Probably because of my occasional Netflix movies streaming. I could hardly contact them to ask them what was going on, because their phones are always busy! If you don't want a service that sets daily and monthly limits on how much you can do with your internet, pick just about any company besides Digis.
Cons: Daily and monthly download limits, poor customer service