well my mom starting going to fountain of life because her body was slowly tearing apart and she wanted me to try it. Being me a college student i was like it wont work and dont have the money. well i got convinced to do it and honestly i dont regret saying yes to everything. Before i went i barley could left 30-50 pounds and my back would start hurting for hours. after about a month and half of work i never felt better. i can lift alot and my back will be really good for the rest of day. I am also able to retain a little bit of more knowledge since i do go to school full time. My sleeping habits are also improving. every time i go to them they are happy to see me and by the end of day i feel wonderful. i will keep going here even when i am all healed up.
Pros: very good enviroment, laid back and happy people
Cons: there is none