The first time I considered being a bartender was while I was in school. I was in a Masters program and was about to graduate, but knew it would be a long road toward finding a career in my field. The hard truth was that I needed a job quickly and I needed a job that would pay enough to sustain me and to help me battle my student loans. After a bit of asking around, bartending started looking like a good option, but I had absolutely no experience as a bartender or even in the restaurant industry. A quick Google search lead me to the Professional Bartending School of Arlington, Virginia. From their website I got the impression that they were a very reputable and knowledgeable school (over 40 years of business means something has to be going right!). Once I gave them a call this impression was confirmed. The staff was straightforward and extremely helpful. I was so convinced of their quality after speaking to them that I recommended the school to two of my schoolmates who were in the same situation I was in; we all decided to enroll together and it was an excellent decision.
Pros: Great connections, awesome staff, great practice bar
Cons: Dude, seriously none come to mind.