I was told the price of the puppy cuts were increased so I mentioned we were still in a ressession why would they raise prices ... I left my dog to get cut anyway. When I got back to get him they sent a manager out to ask what I needed to see a manager about and I did not ask to see anyone , but since she was there I told her the same thing I said earlier... Well she just wanted to argue. so I left . As I was driving away my dog got in my lap and his hair was not even so I went back a NICELY asked if they could just even it up . Then I started to pet a little puppy in one of the covered cages and this one employee started in on me and I told her I was fine I just sanitized my hands so it was ok and she came at me and said GET YOUR HAND OUT OF THE CAGE! I then told her to back off and she said What?! I said to back off and she told me to back off tehn it just went down hill from there so I ad=sked for the owners number and was given th estore card which I called and teh woman behind teh glass came out and much of the same only it was done with a smmile the whole time she spoke didn't matter what she said it was done as she smiled. I just told her I was not coming back and why was everyone there so mean?
Cons: Can not treat customers with any respect!!