I'm frequently afflicted by sinus infections. When I realise it's too late, OTC meds are just not going to help, I usually go to a walk-in clinic and wait an hour to see a Physican Assistant. This is opposed to a two-week wait to see my General Practitioner. WhiteGloves responds to my web request or phone call within 5-15 minutes, and can have a PA at my doorstep in an hour. I can avoid a drive to the clinic, avoid an hour in a waiting room full of other sick people, and receive the exact same level of medical care, including prescriptions. I even received preventative advice the clinic PA's never mentioned ("get a neti pot"). I haven't tried this yet, but I could probably even arrange a WhiteGloves visit over my lunch break, and not miss work. Five stars.
Pros: House calls! Fast!
Cons: None, as long as you're OK with seeing a Physician Assistant