I am a woman who went with some girl friends, and upon entering the cover charge was 5$ not the previously online stated $3. Drinks were about $5.50 kind of expensive and also not like stated online of about $3. Oh and when we went in we were told they don't allow just groups of women into the club we had to have a male escort which thankfully we brought a male friend.
After that everything was pretty good, the women were pretty many of them were nice, only one or two of them looked miserable and acted like bitches. Rule behind ordering the drinks though get a double its $8.50, you get the same amount of alcohol for less, and the woman who is selling shots you are better off buying her and yourself one than just buying yourself one she doesn't make much on the drink when she sells it. Go have fun enjoy the women they certainly are lovely!!
Pros: pretty socialable women
Cons: not much correct info online