Hi, Im a proud owner of a Bullmasiff and recently he became very sick. fever 104.5, depressed, weight loss, dehydrated and extremely weak. On May 6,2010 had taken him to Oakdale Veterinary Group as they breifly examined him I was informed that they believed he had "Leptospira". they did a blood test for that, and sent us home with antibiotics. Needless to say on May 10, 2010 he was worse and at that time I had noticed a mass approx. 4x4 on his hip at that they hospitalized him. the next day i was told to pick him up by 5:00pm. They were not sure still what was wrong.His fever still at 104.5 and 1,300.00 later,i was shocked that they sent him home and told me there was nothing else they could do,and to take him to UC Davis and then informed me that I was looking at approx. 15,000.00.At that point I felt helpless.But in my heart i felt there could have been more testing done.That night i didn'nt think he would make it untill morning,he was so weak and dehydrated.A friend came and told m