Buena Hospital Ventura DID NOT fallowed the Emergency Protocols for life threatening situations within the last 4.5 hours of Lucky’s by totally LACK of basic life support assistance in cardiopulmonary arrest & resuscitation as follows: \r
1) Buena Hospital did not provided when explicitly asked the feeding meaning that they practice after surgeries when dogs/cats cannot eat normally yet (special formulated food applied by syringe). Ultimately they did so 2 days before his death but were already too late to help feeding to flush his heavy radiation poisoned body system anymore …\r
2) Buena Animal Hospital personnel administered one dose containing two low blood pressure medications (regular otherwise) in the obvious weak conditions of low blood pressure symptoms, leading to life threatening BP Levels!\r
3) Buena Animal Hospital personnel did not compensate the lack of oxygen to his organs due to low blood pressure by simple administrating oxygen by breath available in two green tubs in the main operating room!\r
4) Buena Animal Hospital DID NOT put Lucky under the monitoring equipment available, but left Lucky in a cage from the hospital’s back yard where under the duty of a technician checking him eventually when he/she remembers from time to time, so this is how and where Lucky DIED ABSOLUTELY ALONE, not being on oxygen, not being electronically monitored, and then neither tried basic resuscitation at list!\r
5) Buena Animal Hospital personnel DID NOT tried to resuscitate Lucky due to invoked “statistics” along with the lack of a DEFIBRILATOR for when it is critically needed!\r
We profoundly regret we brought Lucky to Buena Hospital instead of an emergency having the necessary equipment & trained personnel to respect the emergency protocols versus the regular visits as a primary source of money for them! – This is all they care about: our/your money, and not much else despite all appearances!\r
Buena Animal Hospital will fiercely charge four times (4x) the price you could find online for some medication. \r
Dr. Nicci brought personally Lucky outside Buena in a box with her own arms with eyes in tears (sincerely of guiltiness we hope) – We thanks Dr. Nicci for that gesture, and we truly hope that she & Buena hospital learned something usefully from now on to serve well other family friends that may be loved the same we have deeply and truthfully we loved our Lucky!\r