I went into service regarding a recall for my truck. Between the service technicians and managers, arguing with me about whether or not I needed to come in, even AFTER telling them that I had received a letter from TOYOTA, still didn't know what to do when I brought the truck in. The feeling as a customer is very "as a matter of fact," but I guess that is due to the large number of customers they service, that you will get the feeling of being a number and not a FUTURE customer. \r
Ironically, my wife and I are in the market for another vehicle, so while it was in service, I walked out to look at some Avalons. It took almost 15 minutes for someone to even acknowledge my existence. I understand low pressure sales, but the cursory, "Hi, my name is Keith, please let me know if you have any questions..." would have been MORE than suffice. As opposed to the, 'I have one foot out the door, by the way, were you helped?' type of response I got. \r
I was highly disappointed with the overall e