I have been treated by Dr. Casey Bearden 7 times now. I came to him after being in chiropractic care for 5 years & was till having frequent often aches, pain, stiffness & spasms due to my scoliosis & spinal arthritis. A few days before my 1st visit, I had a bad fall. I shared with Dr. Bearden today that I have never had more range of motion and pain-free days than I've had in the past few weeks. I actually feel younger. He provides a very individualized treatment for each patient & advances & varies the treatment according to your progress. It made me aware that I was not getting all chiropractic care has to offer with my previous practitioners. Also, I have practiced yoga for years, but have never been able to go as deep in the poses as I do now. If you are considering this office, do not hesitate; the staff is very open & helpful. I am a nurse & recommend this office 100%.