I lived there for 6 years, and would have no problem moving back. I relocated to the Lebanon Ohio area because of work. I have a hard time believing that other review since I never experienced any of those issues. I had many neighbors who were always ready and willing to help. On more than one occasion, I helped the elder neighbors as well. Most of the people that live there are elderly. I was single when I lived there.
Point of fact, when I first moved there, I asked the police about the safer areas, and they assured me that Ashgrove was one of the safest places to live. They said that they seldom were called out there. In the over 6 years I lived there, I can remember 3 instances where the cops were called out to the apartment complex. 1 was because my neighbor had a stroke, and I called 911. Another was because of someone trying to unlock their car doors (me).
I would have no problem encouraging any of my family to live there.
Former resident of Ashgrove, currently living and working as a Children's Pastor in Middletown.
Pros: Quiet, well managed, private.
Cons: Not too great for families. Not exceptionally roomy