My father liked Dr.Flippo and had the misfortune of being misdianosed not once but twice.The first time he kept treating him for stomach troubles and it actually turned out to be a heart attack and arteries so blocked that he had quadruple bypass surgery.The second time, just a few years later he wasn't so lucky.My father had a sore on his tongue that Dr. Flippo said was a infected taste bud.He treated him for months with no improvement.After talking my Dad into seeing a ENT, he was immediately diagnosed with stage IV tongue cancer.The cancer was so obvious the ENT couldn't beleiive Dr. Flippo had been treating him for a infected taste bud.My Dad endured all the radiation and chemotherapy they could give him, he had a complete glossectomy ( removal of his tongue ) and had a horrible quality of life.He was 59 when he died. Dr.flippo is in it for the money it's not about doing a good job.Please don't trust your life to him.