I moved into my apartment last night at 7pm. The main office was closed and my roommate wasn't around to give me by sticker or a guest pass. I wake up to go to work this morning only to find out that my car had been towed by these people. They are the most unprofessional, rude, unintelligent scamming people/business I have ever dealt with. You can call and talk to them, explain your situation. The only thing that will be screamed at you is ""Ok, that will be $125"". I think it is crazy that these people have free reign to come into your apartment complex at night with a flash light scanning vehicles to steal. I honestly wish someone would take these guys out of business. I understand I need a sticker or a guest past, however the way they do business is just shady. My car wasn't even there for 12 hours. If your thinking about using this company, I would highly suggest you go to another company so that you don't have to deal with these people, they don't deserve your business or any business for that matter.
Pros: 0
Cons: Rude, One-way, Dishonest, Stealing, Garbage, Not Affordable