I recently proposed to my girlfriend in Mexico. I bought a "temp" ring until I could get the one she wanted. I know NOTHING about diamonds or rings. I was nervous about buying the "right" ring until I walked into Max's and met Max, Ben and Rich. Ben walked me through what makes a beautiful diamond and ring step by step. Although my questions were dumb, he responded in the most kind and gentle manor. He asked what my budget was and helped to select rings that were within that range that were amazing. I was taught that any diamond can be mounted onto any setting. Rich then helped to select a ring that was perfect. After we finished the sale he took me aside and recommended different insurance companies and gave me his contact number in case I have any more questions. The ring was ready within 48 hours. Max had his jeweler mount, clean and polish it in 2 days time. He then called to let me know it was ready ahead of time. When I walked in to the shop, to pick up the ring, I was greeted by Max and Ben by name. They said ?Welcome back Mr. Smith, wait until you see your ring.? Ben asked me to close my eyes so I would be surprised when I see the ring. When I opened the box it seemed as if the ring had gotten bigger and brighter. It was PERFECT. Max came over to look and said how happy my girl will be when she sees the ring.
Pros: The perfect place to get a ring that makes her smile and cry
Cons: They are not in every city