I went to home depot to rent a tool that I need. That man that helped me was nice but he was not informative about the procedure of renting a tool from home depot. All he did was ring me up gave me a paper and told me to return it clean at 9am. The next day I returned the cleaned equipment to Home Depot. I was told that home deport had also tooken $50.00 m ore for a deposit off of my credit card with out asking me. Because they needed it for a deposit. I never even know about this is was not written in my contract and there were NO signs posted about this. And I never authorized them to take any money off of my card at anytime. The only thing that I though I paid for was to rent the tool and I thought they took that off of my credit card the day I rented it. When I called back to advise the manager about this he acted like he just didnt want to bother with this and he just didnt care. I think that when someone take someone elses money without allowing them to do so is called s