I must comment on the last entry I just had the displeasure to read-I had a great experience with my Dachshund that had an upset stomach due to just moving to the area and they treated me very kindly and gave my pet the proper attention and medication to make her feel better and only did testing that was necessary to make sure nothing more serious was wrong with her. I don't understand why this lady didn't trust the doctor but she should have gone to another vet for help for her pet instead of using unproven treatments that could have been dangerous or toxic to her pet. I do not want people reading her review to think you should take treatment into your own hands without first consulting with a known expert in the field. If her pet ate paint-maybe the cat should also be checked for lead poisoning-as that is a common issue with people too. Home remedies can be dangerous to cats-esp. aspirin and other pain meds so please don't accept her review-I had a great experience there.