Everything that has been written about this court ordered mediator has been experienced by us, too. As a woman, I was warned how to act in front of him by a female friend who also was forced to use Perigo. She told me to not even make eye contact with him, if at all possible. I understand what she meant now.
Perigo acts like an angry, malicious, power mongering control freak who often acts close to violence when provoked in the least way. He acts like he hates everyone in the room, especially if you are a strong and assertive woman. He is particularly spiteful if you even try to politely voice an opinion which he perceives as bucking his authority. If you try to humbly stand up to him, he takes great offense as you are therefore jeopardizing his power position as the Alpha Male who actually relishes in the sick ""game"" that he is in complete control of your life, your livelihood and your future relationship with your children.
Perigo acts like he is a woman-hater, who, however, doesn't act like he has much use for men either. He acts and looks miserable, as if he hates the world. It is no surprise to me or to my husband why he himself is divorced. I can't imagine Perigo allowing another mediator to try to help him in a similar situation as ours. Who needs God when you think you are God?
Cons: He should be investigated and then disbarred!