No problem spending the money for help but after $2,500 cash, choosing not to file insurance, I decided to pause, until I got back to work. I called to cancel my next appointment. I also asked for content / information from $1,400 of testing. Was told they couldn't provide this informaiton, it belonged to testing company. Wish I'd known this, even though she had a printout of the information. Upon cancelling the next appointment, I never got a call from the drrrrr..........uh, Dr., expressing a concern or any flexibility to come off the high price to continue to see patient. I was extremely upfront with her in telling her that the expense was a great concern and I didn't want to get down a path and quit over money with no results. She said I made too much to get a price break. I was unemployed at the time. I'm a great read of people and have a great intuition. I was so very, very wrong about Dr. Mustin. I feel bad for saying this because I mean her no harm. I just wish that others will not have the same experience and perhaps she will read this and change her practice.
Pros: Nice Office
Cons: All About The Money