If you deal in used computer parts, you should know that once it is used and past warranty, depreciation should be at about 45-55%. Agility offers a decent selection of motherboards, processors and replacement items that are neither guaranteed to work or warrantied at RIDICULOUS prices. Take for instance today, I was in need for a standard VGA cable. Not too expensive right? $5 at goodwill, $8 at Newegg (includes shipping), Cheap as hell on ebay, and a mere $6 at freegeek(my personal preference). At Agility...... $14!! WHAT!? I could have gone to BestBuy and gotten that cheaper WHICH SAYS A TON. I would have too, if I wasn't in such a hurry today. They also sell USED case fans for $8 a pop!!! DOUBLE WHAT!!!??? If Agility wants my business ever again (for used parts, NEVER for computer repairs) they better price their used parts according to depreciation rather than NEW MARKET value. Bad Agility, you stink for used parts. Its better to off those used parts quickly than have the pile up and get damaged, then sell non-working junk to your customers with a no return policy. Thats just bad business.
Pros: ok amount of used parts, cheap cases
Cons: WAY too expensive for ""No Warranty /Guarantee / Returns""