They seem to want to help, but If you call them they don't answer, They call you back a week or more later and promise to send you some information or say that it will be posted on the website sometime, If they send you something it is not related to what you asked for but rather a link to something on the website. I can never find information on the website such as is a particular league full, when and where are they playing, essentially anything that you would need to determine if you can get your player to the games. Coaching is volunteer and is good for the most part. Unfortunately as with most child leagues some parents and coaches affected with type A win at all cost disorder spoil it for the ones that want to explore different sports and enjoy the fun aspect.of the game. Parents that fancy themselves sideline coaches yelling at their children thankfully cannot usually be heard and are ignored Practice tends to be overly complicated and boring. Less skilled players are not allowed equal playing time and get demoralized. They don't feel valued, then start attending less.
Pros: It's close by but I take them elswhere
Cons: Hard to get information to register and below