Mr.Greg Crick made me believe he was a man of his word, but I found out he wasn't. He took my patio apart to redo the pavers and when doing so didn't put the step back like he found it, therefore, leaving a dangerous situation at my home. I have contacted him twice, and both he and his wife promised he was coming back to fix the step He is now saying no such conversation ever took place. This is why it is hard to find honest people to do work for you. I realize that I should have checked the contract more carefully, and the next time I will, but I thought when a man gave you his word he would come back and complete the job that meant something. I guess I was wrong. I will never use service magic as a reference to find a contractor or anyone associated with this company again and will tell other people I know to do the same.
Pros: completed patio rebuild
Cons: lied about completing a step that hepromised to compldete