I own a condo in a complex managed by Cal West. It is nearly impossible to get Chris Osteen (or anyone else there) to pick up the phone, or return messages.
The simplest thing takes forever. As it is my homeowners' association, not me, that hired these yoinks, i.e. I'm stuck with them, I don't want to provide too many identifying details. But there are certain, very basic, things that any property management company should do - for example, you could be asking for a new parking sticker for your car, and Cal West would not even respond.
If you identify a specific point on which they are risking a lawsuit, then sometimes you can get their attention. On the very rare occasion I have caught Chris Osteen on the phone, he speaks like he is reading from a call script; politely stonewalls you. If he absolutely has to, he may eventually agree to take care of your request. But nothing will actually get done. You have to call, and call, and call, and call .... There are a lot of property management agents out there - do yourself a favor, and DON'T USE THESE GUYS.
Pros: none, really
Cons: won't answer calls, nothing gets fixed, brushes you off