My son went into CC for a manic episode. We had no idea what was causing it. He had 3 guns, including an automatic weapon and loaded pistols in his vehicle when he arrived home for Easter in a manic state...we locked up his guns and convinced him to go to CC. Intake nurse was great...took his time and was very kind. We were told an entire bloodwork panel would be done. My son (over 21) convinced the psychiatrist on call the next day that he was fine. Psych called me and I expressed concern that my son was still not 'himself' and that he still had some firearms in his apt. Not their problem. My son walked out w/out ANY instructions...just 2 prescriptions. Dr. probably spent about 10 minutes w/him and told him he is 'bipolar'....on the way home from pscyh ward, we took our son to eat lunch, stopped at Academy to purchase some clothes for him and he walked right up to the ammo dept and purchased several boxes of ammo which we promptly confiscated and locked up. If we had tried to 'talk him out of this' in the middle of Academy, there would probably have been quite a scene. Took him home (out of town) and locked up all guns in his apt (in another town). Have stayed w/him for parts of past two weeks trying to stabilize him w/meds and find him support. He agreed to have his records from CC hospital but all they did was run a 'regular' blood panel. I am shocked and believe that they are with-holding the rest of his blood work which might have shown drugs in his system. Shocked since my son even admitted that pot should 'show up' in his blood work. Brought him back to the director's private office in The Woodlands for an apt and the doc said my son had signed a release (was a lie) and that, now, he could tell us what was in his blood-drum roll......doc lied and told us it was ephedrine and that this and Red Bull can cause psychosis-even worse than what our son had experienced (?)-my son had taken some ephedrine for a cold but he had a small envelope from his school infirmary and had only taken 4 out of 6 pills over the course of about 5 days. Unless he had snorted it, which I doubt, I don't think this would have 'made him psychotic'. Also, how could the doc say this w/out having seen a large amount of ephedrine in his bloodwork, which, it turns out, may not even exist. We were told to go buy 'Bipolar for Dummies' (my husband went to Stanford and we both have our M.S. degrees-I'm sure there are even better resources)...This place is a joke because the guy running it is a joke, a crook and a liar. Should be investigated since I THINK it might be against the law to let someone out of a psych ward who is a danger to others or themselves, which had not been determined at that time they released him. I know the mental health system is badly broken. Now I see why. Don't take your loved ones here. Even though the people working there are nice, the head guys are, obviously, only after your $ and, I think, insane. If my son is bipolar, which is highly likely, we would at LEAST like to know what he might have been taking that could have set off this manic episode, if anything. It would be nice for HIM to know since 'self-medicating' is a VERY common things for someone w/bipolar to do...Don't go here!
Pros: Staff and intake nurse very professional/helpful/sincere/kin
Cons: Doctors running this place are insane