i think the owner did a great job of opening this place in the worst location of NYC-located right next to most dangerous city housing projects on the east coast, this place boasts fantastic views of the local heroin methadone addiction clinic, con edison, and sewage treatment facility all in one! The bar itself looks like a makeshift greenhouse. The elevator to get up there is broken, so you will have to walk up the narrow, dark stairwell. The so called staff are among the rudest if not the rudest of people that you can find anywhere. The drinks are ridiculously overpriced and sub-par. $13 for beer? seriously....the bathroom goes against the NYC health code as it does not offer any toilets, only urinals- so ladies, make sure you pee before you get there. Overall, this place gets two flushes down, because after sampling the drinks, that's what you'll be doing all night long after vomiting.
Pros: zero
Cons: too many to list