Reception is always good, billing woman lacks customer service. She doesn't know how to talk with people. She acts rushed and inpatient with every interaction. Upon needing to change an appointment and wanting to do so later in the day, she was insistant she told me about Dr. Gary's hours for doing certain procedures. She kept saying, "I told you ..." She may have, but having a debate with her was a ridiculous waste of my time. I realize she handles the billing, but she does deal with the customers too, and should know how to speak to people. She's demeaning and inpatient and I don't get that my business is appreciated from her. Also, during our rescheduling interaction, she told me Dr. Gary is around screaming crying kids all day, and has had enough of it by 2:00. While that may be true(although why would anyone be in pediatric ANYTHING if kids give them a headache after a certain time of day), it shouldn't have been information shared with "the customer." It took away my confidence in the office as well as Dr. Gary. The hygenist couldn't shove the headphones on my son fast enough. When I was bringing in a book from the waiting area, she curtly told me it had to stay there! It would've been nice if she actually saw my child as an individual. On the positive, the assistant we had for the sealant, was wonderful in explaining the process to my child (and I). she was great. Really knows how to communicate with kids and parents. She's a keeper!