Hey, you won't find Stepford style servers or bartenders here. If you want the fake smiles and vacant chit-chat greetings, then stick with Applebees. And, leave your rugrats at home. They don't belong in a serious bar. However, if you want the best selection of Scotch Whiskys in the world, then come to Pint's. Yes, their shelves are better stocked than the Chinnery Bar in the Hong Kong Mandarin Oriental. Better yet, the barmen know the Whiskys in detail and are not averse to giving you a dram or two on the house, if you show some knowledge or interest. The food is decent but that's not my reason for going here. For all you super sensitive types who feel insulted at Pint's, I agree with the owner, go somewhere else!
Pros: Scotch Whisky Scotch Whisky Scotch....
Cons: So much Scotch, so little time.