Before you inquire about an insurance policy from this particular agent, exercise all of your options first. I have no personal agenda against statefarm, but just this particular office. One word to describe the entire staff, ""incompetent"". It's important to know that you will never speak to a ""Justin Bush""....he is like some made-up digital cyberspace name, despite their advertisement. If you choose to apply for a homeowner's policy as I did, be aware of the inexperienced staff. Feedback is non-existent, and plan to follow up a million times with this lightly educated staff. In the one year, my policy has been canceled for numerous reasons, such as a failed inspection report of an electrical box, or a site visit to take pictures. I was even told that I did not live at the house and usps was to blame. In either case, there was no consistency when you called them back, each person on their staff had a different story to tell. The excuses remained unlimited and ever-changing. When I canceled the insurance policy a year later, the red tape seemed even larger. I was told to send a fax of the new policy- easily and immediately done. They were then directed by myself & mortgagor (simultaneously over a 3-way call I might add) to cancel the policy and send the refund to escrow. All was agreed- until I call a month later to find that they reinstated my policy. After all said and done, I chose & happily paid for a policy $200 dollars more/yr because of this statefarm experience I encountered. Avoid at all costs - emotional & financial.
Pros: No Pros
Cons: Waste of valuable Time