Robert Treat Apartments is probably the worst place I've ever lived. The manager is from hell - he believes since most of us are 'Indians on Visas' he can simply brush our grievances aside and threaten to call police if we get angry. \r
Maintenence does nothing unless you call and yell at them several times. They come in unannounced even though they are to call you before doing that. What if my wife is in the shower?\r
We have had leaky windows, broken windows and our heating bill is enormous despite not using much of it. ($400+) Windows and doors are very drafty and need curtains to keep it from being cold during winter.\r
Air Conditioning never cools the apartment.\r
The groundwater is not safe due to DEP tests from a nearby factory, so we have to drink from filters.\r
Parking lots are constantly being repainted, yet everything else falls to disarray.\r
If your child leaves his toys out, they will take it and hold it for a ransom of $10 (in the name of Storage Fee) per item. \r
Swimming pool and Tennis courts are open 2 months of the year, and are below sub-par.\r
Manager Bill is never in his office. He does not keep hours that are stated. \r
please email if you want to know more. There are better apartments in Milford for par or less money. Just look further!\r
Pros: Free hot water.
Cons: Everything else.