They have had our 3 month-old HP desktop for over a month and no amount of pressure, pleading, or reason will get them to either admit they can't fix it or just return the darn thing so we can return it to HP. Promises to expedite the service the second time it went in (after they returned it the first time without fixing it), went unfulfilled. The problem is the heatsink fan started getting stuck on ""high"" and sounds like a blow dryer --- they have replaced the mother board twice and the processor once. This is not brain surgery. It's status has been ""repair completed --being shipped back to Northgate"" for the past week.. (they promised to overnite ship it, which, of course, they didn't) The so-called Geek Squad (and Best Buy) managers or supervisors are absolutely worthless. They make big promises and then dodge your phone calls for a week. My husband finally started going down to the Northgate store in person (4 times so far) and that helped only marginally. Since they are an HP-approved repair facility, we aren't thinking too highly of HP right now, either. What a pain!
Cons: poor technical skill and lousy customer service