The Korean masters at White Tiger are not allowed to have a voice. The students of White Tiger need to know that the Korean masters who walked out did not disrespect their students. The problem with White Tiger are the owners: Master Chang and Master Rondy. The Korean masters are highly skilled and provide quality martial arts instruction. They are used by Master Chang and Rondy so their pockets can be filled. Master Rondy made the Korean masters work so long, even demonstrating at ten o'clock at night! At times, they are made to work on Sundays. They were also made to do personal things for Master Chang and Rondy such as installing their hottub, watering their plants, cutting their lawn, folding towels, and even cleaning their house. Not only are the Korean masters overworked but they are underpaid. Master Chang is obviously not underpaid as he drives a Bently. The Korean masters are required to demonstrate so much. While they are professionals, they are human, and after being overworked, at times they can get hurt. After being injured, Master Chang and Rondy never paid for any medical bills. They did not provide health insurance for their employees but did for themselves. Probably the worst thing they have done is to make one Korean master and his family illegal. Some Saturdays were very difficult for the Korean masters. After teaching class since 8:00 in the morning, putting on multiple birthday parties, and black belt seminars, Master Chang would invite guests and make the Korean masters party at night. Those are not real parties for the Korean masters. The masters are made to feel like waiters and dancers...waiting on the guests, dancing for the guests, and demonstrating for them as well. The Korean masters never receive a break. While Master Chang and Master Rondy could nap during the day, the Korean masters could not and were forced to celebrate at the parties Master Chang threw for himself, I guess because he is lonely due to his ex-wife's unfriendliness.
Pros: Nothing
Cons: Rating Should Be ""No"" Star