When a true conscientious objector refuses to take up arms in defense of his country, it is not that he lacks integrity or is disloyal, disrespectful, or irresponsible to his country. He is simply showing a greater loyalty, respect, and responsibility to what he considers to be more important, his religion or culture. He may be painfully torn between conflicting values and systems he prizes. Making such a choice is not dishonorable, though one set of people or another may be disappointed. Those that understand him appreciate his dilemma and support him?even if disagreeing with his decision. White Tiger students that know Master Seo, Master Shim, and Master Yoo, know they are people of high integrity. The Masters are loyal, respectful, and responsible and have demonstrated those qualities numerous times in every single class they?ve instructed. They are our role models not only as martial artists but as people. Painting them as dishonorable insults them and the judgment of their students who hold them in high regard. Such claims are wholly inappropriate and inaccurate. More than anything they are demeaning of the person making those accusations and show their own pettiness or lack of awareness.
Pros: Best facilities, strong bonds among students
Cons: Temporarily dealing with a shortage of Korean Masters