I have been a student of White Tiger since they first month they opened in Cary many years ago. I am so dissapointed in the things that people are writing that have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. First and foremost this school is the best facility you will ever find for you and your family. The standards that Master Rondy run this establishment by are top notch and honest, for people to claim differently obviously do not know her as a person or as a giving and productive Cary citizen. Instead of criticizing her maybe you should take the time and get to know her you will be pleasantly surprised at what an amazing woman she is and what a great role model she is for all children boy or girl. All businesses go through growing pains and if you say differently you must live under a rock, just take a look around America right now and you can see that this is the case.
Pros: A great place for the entire family to bond