The address is in the name of the place, and I?ve been here a number of times, but my haphazard internal GPS still has trouble finding it. It?s Elliot Street Pub and down a dead end street, it?s nestled in a creepy corner of Castleberry Hills. It?s a tiny bar that takes pride in its obscurity. A kind of place with cups, a keg, and chalk board by the door that trusts the regulars on the honor system.
Cramped in this pint-sized bar shoulder to shoulder, It's more like a walk-in closet with a liquor permit. But the warmth is comforting, it?s like we?re in this together.
I?ve once seen the owners out in the street on a summer?s afternoon shooting bottle rockets at street signs, vermin, and each other. This is a good thing. Trust.
On another occasion, I?m informed this place has a basement. I felt like Pee Wee Herman finding out The Alamo does in fact have a basement! Down a confidential stairwell, in a dingy romper room with a full bar, an R&B band, and a crossbow propped in the corner. Brilliant.
This is a terrific place to take a date. You'll get points for knowing about something so cool, but maybe make a practice run the day before- you'll look like a clown if you get lost getting there.
Remember kids, tip well and tip often... they have a crossbow.
Cons: More people are finding it. (maybe I should erase this)