I made an appt after my friend told me that she went to the dermatologist and they really helped her with her acne. being that i did not have ""bad"" acne i never thought of going to the doc for it until she said what her dochad done for her. I choose to go to mid. dermatology b/c i knew where it was and it was a good location for me. My friend had gone to another place across town that i was not familiar with. I got an appt with stacy romero who is the NP therei i guess. she really did not take any time with me and i felt really rushed. she also did not seem to care- just looking at me like i should not be there. she gave me a lil brown bag full of samples to try and some coupons and sent me out the door. i tried the meds for a while with no results, just a lot of drying and burning in my throat?? anyway i went to the mall and bought a small 30 day kit of proactive and my acne problems were gone in about 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i had done that in the first place!
Pros: nice location
Cons: rush you in and out