We used this instructional school to supplement the training we, as parents, gave our son. He loved the fact that there was only one session (albeit, a rather long one) and then he was able to take the written test and leave with his driver's permit! His road test was done at night, and I thought this was a good idea. The traffic wasn't overly intimidating (like rush hour would've been), yet there was just enough to be challenging. Plus, driving at night was kind of a ""mini-test"" inside the road test to see how well he could do with that added challenge.
Our instructor was a former police officer and had a great personality, yet he behaved most professionally during the road test. It probably helped that our son was somewhat older than the 15-year-olds that usually enroll. However, he wasn't in a big hurry to get his license so he waited until 16 1/2. Since getting his license he has had no accidents or tickets, and he is a better driver than most adults I know (including me). Our younger son is now 15 1/2 and thoroughly ready to begin driving. We WILL sign him up at the Institute for Drivers Safety. Time well spent!
Pros: Exceptional instruction. One day and you have your permit!
Cons: Undisciplined, talkative, or impatient teens stay away.